5 Questions to Discover the Bravery Inside You
The article will help you to ask the right questions about your mental strength
We all agree that the last step of the journey is important. The day of retirement, the last day of a team project, the last day of school and even the last day of your life.
One thing we tend to forget is that there is no last step without the first.
While the last step is more about consistency, the first step reveals how ready you are to put your feet in a pool of uncertainty. This is not trivial. It is a step of faith.
Faith is taking the first step even if you don’t see the whole staircase
— Martin Luther King Jr
But to step in, you first have to have the courage to do so. More importantly, your “courage” should come from within. It should not come from the outside.
This means that when you are ready to change, you need to look inside. You need to start asking yourself the right questions. Not just any question, but the question that would make you reflect the most.
These questions will help you discover things that prevent you from being the best person you should be:
1. Are You Afraid ?
I am quite sure that this is a fundamental question that can be answered with a direct answer.
Nevertheless, many people are stuck in this phase. Some would answer it not with a simple yes or no, but in combination with many other reasons that are actually used as an excuse for the current state of affairs.
Be honest with yourself. Let that pride go. Don’t misplace it. Growth comes from a heart willing to be honest. Honesty is indeed the quality of a strong person.
So if you want to be the best version you can be, self-honesty is a good start.
2. What are You Afraid of ? Why ?
“What is it that makes you tremble the most? “
“ What made you breathe so shortly?”
“What frightens you?”
And then ask your self ...
“ ... Why ?”
Let it sink for now. This simple question will make you think about the real reason for your fear. Take your time. There’s no hurry. Make a note if you have to.
In the presence of fear one would not be able to think clearly and rationally as one should. It’s like rowing a boat and suddenly the surroundings become foggy. Such a situation makes it impossible to navigate. There is the possibility of being hit by a rock or drifted far from the mainland.
In any cases, any good sailor would not recommend you to take your boat in such circumstances.
You are no different in your fear than this sailor in a foggy state.
Fear denies your rational thinking. It is robbed you of all your intellectual resources. Identify your fears. Look inside yourself and make sure that you solve this as a priority first. Do not overstep this phase.
3. What Makes You Think You are Brave Enough ?
If you are faking it, you are not it
- Dr. Myles Munroe
Pretending is of no use to you. The first thing you must remember is that “you are not obliged to prove yourself to anyone”.
Be yourself all the time. If you happen to be a coward, admit it. Then do something about it. Take up the challenge. If you are now in a leadership position or in a place where you have to set a good example, let me be honest with you:
It is better to have a leader who admits his weaknesses and then struggles with tears and blood to rise above them.
Well, that’s remarkable. Extraordinary and astonishingly unusual.
Being a superman doesn’t make you a good leader. Pretending to be strong is a sign of arrogance. Trust me, it wouldn’t get you anywhere. You’ll be unhappy. It would only take away your peace.
On the contrary, your honesty and unwillingness to give up will inspire those around you to take another step forward in their lives.
A leader can transform an army of frightened people into fearless people - Dr. Myles Munroe
4. Are You Alone ?
“No, I have friends and family”
Good for you! It means you don’t have to face your battles alone. God puts certain people in our lives for a reason. It’s no coincidence. You have a lot to be thankful for. Never take it for granted.
“Yes, I am.”
Well, you can see it the other way around. You are now privileged to be strong individually. A chance to keep your own feet from falling. Not everyone is capable of that. That’s hardcore.
Personally, I believe that if there is a chance that I have to face my fears and struggles alone, I actually am not. There is and always will be God besides me in any kind of trials. The understanding of this gives me all the strength I need. I become bold and fearless.
5. What is the Outcome You Expected ?
“I want to have a nice body”
“I want to make a lot of money”
“I want the best grades”
“and many others .. ”
Do not expect results, but strive for growth. You could try to do everything and in the end you would not have met the expectations. Expectations often lead to disappointment. Expectation steals peace from you.
Be hopeful instead. Hope gives you strength and peace. Be hopeful every day and only pay attention to the right place. Don’t put it anywhere arbitrarily, because what you concentrate on will grow.
Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God — Corrie Ten Boom
Being brave is not the same as being superhuman. Anyone with an indestructible body would be brave enough to take a bullet.
NO. Bravery is the willingness to stand up and face what shakes and knocks you down the most. Bravery is looking up, even if the situation forces you to look down.
Face your fears. Fight it. Be a better person. Be a Warrior. Be bold. Never give up ! God bless
Courage is grace under pressure
- Ernest Hemingway
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